


定價 HK$68





1 中國夢 
2 中國精神 
3 中國特色社會主義 
4 中國特色社會主義新時代 
5 中國特色社會主義的總依據 
6 中國特色社會主義的總佈局 
7 中國特色社會主義的總任務 
8 中國社會主要矛盾 
9 社會主義核心價值觀 
10 社會主義核心價值體系 
11 頂層設計 
12 「四個全面」 
13 全面建成小康社會 
14 全面深化改革 
15 全面依法治國 
16 全面從嚴治黨 
17 「四個自信」 
18 美麗中國
19 中國特色社會主義政治發展道路
20 人民代表大會制度 
21 中國共產黨領導的多黨合作和政治協商制度 
22 民族區域自治制度 
23 基層群眾自治制度 
24 協商民主
25 統一戰線
26 摸著石頭過河 
27 治大國若烹小鮮
28 推進國家治理體系和治理能力現代化 
29 大道至簡 
30 簡政放權 
31 轉變政府職能 
32 民主集中制 
33 把權力關進制度的籠子裏 
34 「打鐵還需自身硬」 
35 「三嚴三實」 
36 政治規矩 
37 讓權力在陽光下運行
38 國家監察體制改革 
39 中國人民抗日戰爭勝利紀念日 
40 「九二共識」 
41 習馬會
42 「兩個一百年」奮鬥目標 
43 中國經濟新常態 
44 「四個沒有變」 
45 改革開放 
46 市場在資源配置中起決定性作用 
47 發揮經濟體制改革的牽引作用 
48 轉方式、調結構、穩增長 
49 五大發展理念 
50 創新發展
51 協調發展
52 綠色發展 
53 開放發展
54 共享發展 
55 打好扶貧攻堅戰 
56 精準扶貧、精準脫貧 
57 生態紅線
58 生態補償制度
59 戰略性新興產業
60 創新驅動發展戰略 
61 大眾創業、萬眾創新 
62 新型城鎮化道路 
63 「供給側改革」 
64 「中國製造 2025」 
65 國家大數據戰略 
66 軍民融合發展戰略 
67 網絡強國戰略 
68 中國(上海)自由貿易試驗區
69 京津冀協同發展 
70 雄安新區 
71 和平共處五項原則
72 和平發展道路
73 維護國家核心利益 
74 新型國際關係
75 命運共同體 
76 共建網絡空間命運共同體 
77 總體國家安全觀 
78 新型亞洲安全觀 
79 中國的核安全觀 
80 維護和發展開放型世界經濟
81 完善全球經濟治理 
82 正確的義利觀 
83 「共同但有區別的責任」原則
84 交流互鑒的文明觀 
85 構建中美新型大國關係 
86 瀛台會晤 
87 提升中歐全面戰略夥伴關係
88 「親、誠、惠、容」的周邊外交理念
89 對非「真、實、親、誠」 
90 中非全面戰略合作夥伴關係 
91 「一帶一路」 
92 絲綢之路經濟帶 
93 21 世紀海上絲綢之路 
94 絲路精神 
95 絲路基金 
96 亞洲基礎設施投資銀行 
97 推進「一帶一路」建設工作領導小組
98 《推動共建絲綢之路經濟帶和 21 世紀海上絲綢
99 「五通」
100 利益共同體 
101 責任共同體 
102 命運共同體 
103 綠色絲綢之路
104 健康絲綢之路 
105 智力絲綢之路 
106 和平絲綢之路 
107 政策溝通 
108 設施聯通 
109 貿易暢通
110 資金融通 
111 民心相通 
112 中蒙俄經濟走廊 
113 新亞歐大陸橋 
114 中國—中亞—西亞經濟走廊 
115 中國—中南半島經濟走廊
116 中巴經濟走廊 
117 孟中印緬經濟走廊 
118 上海合作組織 
119 中國—東盟「10+1」機制 
120 亞太經濟合作組織 
121 亞歐會議 
122 亞洲合作對話 
123 亞信會議 
124 中阿合作論壇
125 中國—海合會戰略對話 
126 大湄公河次區域經濟合作 
127 中亞區域經濟合作
128 中國—中東歐國家合作 
129 中非合作論壇 
130 聯合國「絲綢之路復興計劃」 
131 俄羅斯「歐亞聯盟」 
132 哈薩克斯坦「光明之路」 
133 蒙古國「草原之路」 
134 印度「季風計劃」
135 俄印伊「北南走廊計劃」 
136 歐盟「南部能源走廊」
137 美國「新絲綢之路計劃」
138 韓國「絲綢之路快速鐵路」 
139 日本「絲綢之路外交」
140 中白工業園
141 瓜達爾港自由區 
142 科倫坡港口城 
143 中歐班列 
144 雅萬鐵路 
145 中老鐵路 
146 中泰鐵路 
147 蒙內鐵路 
148 亞的斯—阿達瑪高速公路 
149 卡洛特水電站 
Part I
1 The Chinese Dream 
2 The Chinese Spirit 
3 Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 
4 Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era 
5 The General Premise of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 
6 The Overall Approach to Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 
7 The Overarching Goals of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 
8 Principal Contradiction Facing Chinese Society 
9 The Core Values of Chinese Socialism 
10 The System of Socialist Core Values 
11 Top-Level Design 
12 The Four-Pronged Strategy 
13 Completing the Process of Building a Moderately Well-Off Society in All Aspects 
14 An All-Round In-Depth Reform 
15 A Comprehensive Framework for Promoting the Rule of Law 
16 An All-Out Effort to Enforce Strict Party Discipline 
17 Matters of Confidence 
18 Building a Beautiful China 
19 Political Development Under Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 
20 The System of People’s Congresses 
21 Multiparty Cooperation and Political Consultation Under the Leadership of the Communist Party of China 
22 Regional Ethnic Autonomy 
23 Community-Level Self-Governance 
24 Consultative Democracy 
25 The United Front 
26 Crossing the River by Feeling for Stones 
27 Governing a large state is like cooking a small fish: it must be handled with great care. 
28 Modernizing the National Governance System and Capabilities 
29 Great truths are always simple. 
30 Streamlining Government and Delegating Authorities 
31 Transforming Government Functions 
32 Democratic Centralism 
33 Confining the Exercise of Power Within an Institutional Cage 
34 “It takes a good blacksmith to make good steel.” 
35 The Three Guidelines for Ethical Behavior and the Three Basic Rules of Conduct 
36 Political Rules 
37 Greater Transparency in the Exercise of Power 
38 The Reform of National Supervision System 
39 The Victory Day of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression 
40 “1992 Consensus” 
41 The Xi-Ma Meeting 
42 The Two Centennial Goals 
43 The New Normal of China’s Economy 
44 The Four Features of China’s Economic Conditions That Remain Unchanged 
45 Reform and Opening Up 
46 The Decisive Role of the Market in ResourceAllocation 
47 Economic Structural Reform – an Engine of Progress 
48 Growth Model Transformation, Structural
Adjustments, and Steady Growth 
49 Five Concepts for Development 
50 Innovation-Driven Development 
51 Coordinated Development 
52 Green Development 
53 Development for Global Progress 
54 Development for the Benefit of All 
55 Alleviating Poverty 
56 Targeted Approach to Alleviating Poverty 
57 Ecological Red Lines 
58 Eco-Compensation System 
59 Emerging Industries of Strategic Importance 
60 The Innovation-Driven Development Strategy 
61 Widespread Entrepreneurship and Innovation 
62 A New Path to Urbanization 
63 Supply-Side Reform 
64 Made in China 2025 
65 The National Big Data Strategy 
66 The National Military-Civilian Integration Strategy 
67 The “Internet Power” Strategy 
68 China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone 
69 Coordinated Development for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region 
70 Xiong’an New Area 
71 The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 
72 Peaceful Development 
73 Safeguarding the Core Interests of China 
74 A New Model of International Relations 
75 Community with a Shared Future 
76 Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace 
77 A Holistic View of National Security 
78 New Asian Security Concept 
79 China’s Views on Nuclear Security 
80 Maintaining and Developing an Open World Economy 
81 Improving Global Economic Governance 
82 Upholding Justice While Pursuing Shared Interests 
83 The Principle of “Common But Differentiated Responsibilities” 
84 Exchanges and Mutual Learning Between Civilizations 
85 Developing a New Model of Major-Country Relations Between China and the United States 
86 The Xi-Obama Meeting at Yingtai 
87 Upgrading the China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership 
88 Building Relations with Neighboring Countries Based on Friendship, Good Faith, Mutual Benefit, and Inclusiveness 
89 Building Relations with Africa Based on Sincerity, Real Results, Friendship, and Good Faith 
90 China-Africa Comprehensive Strategic and Cooperative Partnership 
Part II
91 The Belt and Road Initiative 
92 Silk Road Economic Belt 
93 21st Century Maritime Silk Road 
94 The Silk Road Spirit 
95 Silk Road Fund 
96 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 
97 Steering Group for the Belt and Road Initiative 
98 Joining Hands to Build a Silk Road Economic Belt and a 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road –Vision and Actions 
99 Five-Pronged Approach
100 Community of Shared Interests 
101 Community of Shared Responsibility 
102 Community of Shared Future
103 Silk Road of Green Development
104 Silk Road of Health Cooperation
105 Silk Road of Innovation 
106 Silk Road of Peace
107 Policy Coordination
108 Infrastructure Connectivity 
109 Unimpeded Trade 
110 Financial Integration 
111 Closer People-to-People Ties 
112 China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor 
113 New Eurasian Land Bridge 
114 China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor 
115 China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor
116 China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
117 Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor 
118 Shanghai Cooperation Organization
119 China-ASEAN (10+1) Cooperation Mechanism 
120 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 
121 Asia-Europe Meeting
122 Asia Cooperation Dialogue 
123 Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia 
124 China-Arab States Cooperation Forum 
125 China-Gulf Cooperation Council Strategic Dialogue 
126 Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation 
127 Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation
128 Cooperation Between China and Central and Eastern European Countries 
129 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation 
130 United Nations: Silk Road Initiative
131 Russia: Eurasian Union 
132 Kazakhstan: “Bright Road” Initiative
133 Mongolia: “Steppe Road” Program 
134 India: Project Mausam
135 Russia-India-Iran: North-South Corridor
136 European Union: Southern Gas Corridor 
137 United States: New Silk Road Initiative 
138 South Korea: “Silk Road Express” 
139 Japan: Silk Road Diplomacy
140 China-Belarus Industrial Park 
141 Gwadar Port Free Zone 
142 Colombo Port City 
143 China Railway Express to Europe
144 Jakarta-Bandung Railway 
145 China-Laos Railway 
146 China-Thailand Railway
147 Mombasa-Nairobi Railway 
148 Addis Ababa-Adama Expressway
149 Karot Hydropower Project 
Index I 
Index II 


